XLR40 COrporate


XLR40 Corporate Groups
Challenges for your corporate groups, both large and small

Wellness in the workplace has become a priority for many businesses, as studies continue to show that employers that take the time and invest the money in health and wellness programs for their staff see improved morale, employee productivity and less time loss.

XLR40 is able to provide a complete done for you corporate challenge that will both engage your staff and lead them towards healthier lifestyles.

Reach out today to see how how XLR40 will help you team.

We are dedicated to helping companies develop a healthy workforce; to minimize absenteeism, workplace injuries and to assist increased productivity thus contributing to the bottom line. Each of team members are highly skilled and are committed to serving you in whatever way is best suited to your business.

Our service delivery to corporate clients is unique in its ability to be scaled to almost any business size while creating a personalized approach to meet the needs of the business. We choose to focus on preventative health promotion versus reactionary responses to health conditions and XLR40 assist’s you and your business to do the same.


Our programs are completely scalable no matter your team size.

We have worked with large teams with thousands of employees all the way down to small teams of 5-10.

XLR40 Bootcamp

Although XLR40 offers many programs, we have found that our 40 day bootcamp is the ideal program for teams.

XLR40 Corporate Bootcamp is a 40 day challenge that provides your team with daily workouts, video demonstrations, meal plans, recipes, grocery lists and access to our coaches.

The program is conveniently delivered through the XLR40 app available on both Apple and Android devices.

Creating a healthy workplace is a growing trend among employers who desire to create a dynamic and productive environment within their organization. Creating health promotion programs that go farther than a good benefits package and subsidizing gym memberships is a trend in growing companies trying to attract and retain great employees. There is solid evidence supporting that a comprehensive approach to creating healthy workplaces, shows benefits ranging from improved employee health and wellness to reduced employer costs and increased productivity.

Health promotion programs have been shown to reduce rising healthcare costs and reduce the costs incurred by disability and absenteeism. In addition presenteeism, when an employee shows up to work but is not productive because of an ailment, can account for 61% of the total costs associated some very common conditions and can account for a $150 Billion loss of production in the United States alone annually. Obesity poses a great threat to the employers bottom line. Obese employees have twice as many workers compensation claims and have medical claims costs that are seven times higher and lost 13 times as many work days than those in the recommended weight class.

The bottom line is that health promotion programs show an average benefit of $3.72 in reduced health care costs (per dollar invested in the program) and $5.06 in reduced absenteeism. Most studies show a return on investment of $3-$8 for every dollar invested over a 5 year period. The strongest evidence supports interventions that attack problems such as smoking, weight, physical activity and diet.

Well-designed programs implemented appropriately in your work environment are an opportunity to indicate that your organization values the people that work for it and can keep your employees engaged and productive. Creation of a health-promoting work environment and a health-conscious culture that strives to increase employee physical activity has been shown to benefit companies of all types.

Your XLR40 Corporate program begins with a complimentary Discovery Call with one of our team members.

On this call we discuss the goals for your team in detail, what to expect from XLR40 Corporate Bootcamp and review options suited best for your team.

Book your XLR40 Corporate Bootcamp Discovery Call today.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

What XLR40 Corporate Partners Are Saying

XLR40 designs programs to revolutionize your life, no matter where you are starting from. Our team of personal trainers and healthcare professionals is ready to challenge you, support you and help you REVOLUTIONIZE your fitness.